About Us
Our Mission
Supporting local environmental projects to protect, preserve and restore nature in Lamu County now, and for the future.
We raise funds from individuals and businesses to support grassroots environmental and conservation projects across Lamu County, Kenya.
We build the capacity of local communities, preserve indigenous knowledge and protect, preserve and restore the environment. We believe that working through local communities is the best way to create long-term positive environmental impact.
We support communities transition towards sustainable living by raising awareness of the importance of environmental challenges, and supporting nature enterprises. In doing this, greater financial resilience is created which plays a part in decreasing conflict as natural resources are conserved and restored.
Grants are awarded for projects within the following thematic areas; solid waste management, mangrove conservation, marine conservation, land regeneration, environmental education and providing alternative livelihoods.
Our people
We rely on a network of people passionate about protecting, preserving and restoring Lamu’s environment.
We have a team on the ground that network with local community groups and monitor active projects. This consists of the Executive Director and a Communications Officer, together, they’re in charge of day-to-day management and coordination work on the ground, assisted by advisors and the Steering Committee.
Our Steering Committee is made up of local and international friends of Lamu County who direct our strategy. The Steering Committee offer a wide array of skills and connections to further the work of LEF.
Finally, we are thankful to our Advisory Board who assist us in assuring that we are supporting the best projects the county has to offer us!
Hannah Evans
Executive Director
An avid environmentalist from a young age, Hannah quickly found herself at home among other eco-warriors within the Lamu County. In 2019, she co-founded Takataka Heroes a waste management organisation aiming to bring recycling facilities to the archipelago and worked within the Flipflopi Project’s communications team.
With a background in online communications, 5-years of experience in environmental conservation and a passion for bringing community members together Hannah works on the ground to build capacity of local organisations and develop new projects.
Fridah Gitonga
Finance Officer
As a numbers enthusiast early on in life, Fridah naturally assimilated into finance and accounting as a profession. With ten years of experience in finance and project management across Africa and a zeal for community engagement and collaboration, Fridah aims to add her expertise to LEF’s conservation projects across Lamu that rests on community engagement and collaboration.
How we work
All funds raised go towards supporting environmental conservation projects in Lamu County. We believe that by supporting local environmental and conservation efforts we can make a positive impact and create sustainable positive environmental change.
We connect those who love Lamu with those who are working to protect, preserve and restore it. Then we involve, empower and strengthen local communities through a bottom-up integrated approach to create long lasting change, bolster civil society and build capacity by providing projects with vital funds to scale their impact.
As an affiliate of Conservation Collective, we collaborate with the global network to access piloted and proven solutions, tap into their network of experts to ensure we support the projects offering the largest returns for nature, and leverage co-funding opportunities with larger foundations, national or international organisations.
Our aim is to work within the highest industry standards, thus providing a proven and transparent channel for donors to support the environment they love.